Testimony from our ministry
This is some of the testimony people have written after our visit to different places.
Pastor P. Prashanth Kumar,
“I graduated from Harvest Bible College in 1994. All through my ministry I have believed and preached the law. But now after so many years of ministry, I came to know the Grace of God. This changed my whole life and ministry. In November 2013, God led me to Rev. William Carey and in April 2014, I attended the training program. I have seen God work amazingly in my ministry. I believe that as a Pastor, I should change first and then my church will change. Although I heard a few people tell me that the message of Grace was rejected when they shared it, I never faced that situation in my ministry. People have readily embraced it in my church. I did not have any desertions in my church. I believe that when we preach the Grace message with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, there will be no rejections.”
Priti Jain, Businesswoman
“I come from a non-Christian background. On 8th July 2010, I was saved and accepted Jesus into my life. However I went to a church that preached the law very strongly. But after some time I found that my spirit was getting drained out. I needed something more and I did not know what it was. In Feb 2013, I was introduced to the message of Grace of God. I believed that I finally found what my spirit was craving for all this while. I attended this training program in July 2014 and almost immediately God opened the door for my daughter to attend church, restored my family relationships. From this training I received such revelation, wisdom and peace in my life. Now my I know God as my father. When my daughter had severe fever recently and she was hallucinating. Her body was burning hot and she was crying out and talking in her sleep. I did not panic, instead I just laid my hands on her and prayed for her healing. Instantly she was healed! Now I know how to activate the blessing from God into my life.”
Pastor Paul Rajesh, Father’s House Church for all Nations
“I graduated from School of the Holy Spirit in 1998. Since then I was full time ministry and all the while my ministry went through many ups and downs. In between there was even a break in my ministry work as I could not carry on. Later on in 2011, I relaunched my ministry. Shortly thereafter I heard about this training program and attended it in 2011. During the training, I learnt that I was forgiven, accepted and understood the Father’s Love towards me. Only Christ was highlighted to me. There was a lot of change in my personal, family and ministry life. I believe that it was not me who changed but it was He who changed me. People around me thought that I had lost my mind. My preaching had also changed. Few of my church members even went to the extent of sharing with other members that the Pastor is out of his mind and to only accept what is comfortable from his preaching. Now, my church members jokingly say that ‘A butcher has turned into a Shepherd!’ There is joy in my church. There are no issues and my church members don’t call me for prayer!”
Pastor Johnson, Muscat, OMAN
“Having spent many years in the ministry believing that my God was a harsh God, even my behavior was the same toward everyone around me. But when Rev.William Carey came to Dubai, although at first I was skeptical wondering how it would be, I was blessed abundantly through the training program. When Ovyind Moller preached on Righteousness, some in me changed instantly, forever. Now my preaching has changed, also my behavior. Someday I want to invite Ovyind Moller to Oman. Please pray for me.”
Pastor Harry Tona, Alwal, Hyderabad
“Coming from a Catholic background and thereafter having a good foundation through the teaching of Faith and having served in an independent Pentecostal word-based church for the last 17 years, 5 years as a believer and 12 years as a dedicated pastor, life changed when God led me to these teachings. Ever since I was exposed to the teachings of God’s grace, what I had known and understood in my faith, which was based on my works and not on the finished works of Christ. After going through this training program in Jan’2014 at Aenon Church, I received good understanding about Law and Grace, my relationship with God, my purpose of bible reading, my preaching, teaching, my fear of eternity and end times have all changed. Now my entire focus has shifted to share this good news and glorify Him in church and all around me. Jesus said ‘without me you can’t do anything’ its so true. Im so glad to have been blessed so much through my association with Rev.William Carey who has a great passion in teaching and training pastors. I thank God for the privledge to help him in pursuing the Vision God has given him not only in Hyderabad but also in Bangalore, Araku & Vizag. Now I am firm in extending my support to take this Vision to all of India and every place in the world that God opens the door to. Now there is great desire and fulfillment in teaching this to all the pastors and change the history of churches and preparing them for the coming of the Lord.”
“Over the last 6 days of this training program I have been blessed abundantly. I learnt many new things that I had never heard before.” –
Pastor Petteli Joshua
“I have received such a revelation as never before. My understanding about God has been taken to a whole new level and I now have a much deeper insight about the Grace of God.” – Pastor G. David
“This training program has certainly strengthened me as a believer. I am very excited about the where I can go from here with the excellent teaching I have received.”
Pastor Korra Jairam
“In all my years as a Pastor, I had only learnt about Christianity the religion as taught in theology and I in turn taught the same all through in my church. But now I have learnt about Jesus Christ and I have been truly blessed.” –
Pastor K. Kamaraj
“I have finally learnt the truth about the Grace of God and hereafter I will only preach and teach about the truth of Jesus Christ.”
Pastor John Vincent
“After attending this training camp, I realized how wrong we were in preaching and teaching things that should not be preached. But now with the truth about the Grace of God embedded in my heart, I will share this Gospel in my ministry from here on.”
Pastor Padi Ramu
“In the past I was always gripped by sin. But here I have been blessed with some amazing teaching about the true nature of God and His amazing Grace! Now I am filled with His love and have been set free from my past fears and burdens.”
Pastor Vanthal Gopal Rao
“The truth behind the Law of God and the Grace of God was so excellently presented to me that I am now seeing my life in a very different way and I am learning new things from the same scriptures everyday.”
Pastor Sunil Paul
“I have realized that all my life I have been living the life of a slave instead of living the life of a free spirited Christian like it should be. Now this camp has opened my eyes to the truth about the Grace of God and I am indeed set free.”
Pastor G. Mohan Rao
“Earlier I only heard stories from the Bible and my entire understanding of God and his creation and purpose came from there. I never really understood anything beyond that and neither did it matter to me as I never questioned what I was taught but only followed what my elders did. But now I have met Jesus Christ as a person and my life will never be the same.”
Pastor V. James
“What I learnt here, I never heard before! The revelation about the ‘Moses Seat’ & the ‘Mercy Seat’ was a big blessing in my life which will never leave me.”
Pastor Jeevan Kumar
“Having been blessed with such an amazing truth about the Grace of God, I realize my responsibility as a Pastor how important it is to preach the Grace of God and not the Law if we truly want to spread the love of God to the world around us.” –
Pastor G. Prasad Rao
“This was a super seminar! I received amazing revelation about the abundant Grace of God.”
From William
From Romania Mission trip Mai 2014
From pastor Nixon Augustin Codreanu, Bukaresti
First of all we give Praise to the Lord for sending our Beloved Brother, Oyvind here in Romania,
Pastor Oyvind preached in seven diferent locations.
Christian Penticostal Church '' The Gospel'' from Bucharest.
God Healed many people from pain in the legs, back pain, stomac problems, liver problems and many other health problems.
Also many people accepted Christ.
House fellowship in Valea Seaca-Bacau.
People with short leg was healed and put to normal, back pain was healed and a young man who
fell off the roof of a house three months ago his leg was swollen pastor Oyvind pray for him and God touch Him.
3-House Church in Vulturu-Vrancea.
People recived Baptism with the Hilly Spirit and God touch their life.
Curch in Mizil-Prahova.
We were invited to a wedding service, Pastor Oyvind preach and pray for the young cuple to be blessed by God.
the grandfather of the groom died one day before wedding and the pastor of the local church ask Pastor Oyvind to stay and to preach to the funeral service next day morning.
Funeral in Mizil-Prahova. Romanian tradion is that when someone dies they keep the body inside the house two or three days.
as i said local Pastor ask Pastor Oyvind to preach the Gospel and Pray for the people. There was over 300 people and more then 50 accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Christian Penticostal Church in Cornetu-Vrancea.
This is a Church with over 600 members.
Pastor Oyvind preached the Gospel and Pray for sick people and God made many Wonders, one lady she could not see with one eye and God open her eye instant, another lady could not lift her arm and God healed her, another young lady she was born with malformation foot, the foot was smaller then the other, God touch her and she start to walk normal. And also people give their life to Jesus.
Christian Penticostal Church in Bobesti-Bucuresti.
Pastor Oyvind Preach and Pray for people and people were healed from leg problems, one lady could not lift her arm and instantly God healed her, another lady had back problems she coult not bend and God touch her also...and also 5 people give their life to Jesus.
We Praise the name of the Lord for sending Pastor Oyvind here in Romania, it was a great blessing for the ministry hereand a great Revival. we look forward to see him agin.
Testimonies of Vishakapatnam, India Feb.2014
I attempted suicide many times due to the debts of Indian Rupee of 60 lakh. After the
Grace festivals in Vizag God cleared my debt completely.
Thank you Lord.
Jeremiah (40,employee) My right hand not working properly. I got healed completely in this
meetings. Now I’m praising God with my hand.
Lakshmi (30,housewife) Suffering from hypo thyroid and multi health disorder. God healed me in
these meetings completely.
Bangaru Raju (35,employee) I’m an alcoholic, used to drink heavily; God changed my Mind in this
Meetings, I quit drinking now.
Sowmya, student. I was suffered from Taunsils and troath infection. God healed me completely.
Rani.G (40,housewife) I got healed from 5years of back pain and knee joint pains, Glory to god.
Leelevathi.Y (45,housewife) Severe heart pain was healed in these meetings.
Anasuya(50,employee) God healed me from high bp and sugar.I quit medicines now.
Simhachalam(60) My deafness of 10 years healed by God in this meeting.
Vijaya(50) My 2 years of paralysis was healed on 2nd day of these meetings.
Apparao.S(35) Healed from stomach pain and acidity.
Gracy.G(40) 5 years of severe migraines pain is gone.
Varshitha.Y(6) Doctors said my blood was infected. In these meetings infection was healed completely.
Prashanth.B(27) My mental condition is not good, no peace of mind. God healed me and Changed my mind. Now I’m enjoying grace of God.
Leena(35) 10 years of headache was healed without medicines, only by God.
John.T(45) Muscle and joint weakness healed in this meeting.
I am Pastor Daud Bag at Junagarh, age 49, working as a pastor with ICRM Organization, from last 8 years onwards I had the pain at my knee, heel, and back pain I was struggling every day. even thou I am a servant of God I defend into medicine, and I use to take painkiller medicine & cream to apply on my knee, heel & back pain these all this things has not given me cure likewise day after day I was struggling in my life. Today I give thank to my Lord Jesus Christ who has seen my pain and struggle. While I came to this pastor seminar I never expected to receive the healing in my life, but I praise God that just after hearing the word of God by Rev Oyvind Moller. And after the word of God force me to confess all past sin which I have been done in my life. You know, when I confess all my sin before the present of God. I filled with Holy Spirit and speaking some things different language in my life as before I was not. Then I through some things is happened to my life, and I completely submitted upon God, and prayed to God with my hole hearted at the same time the servant of God touch on my head and pray for me then I fill that some things is come out from in my lags there I immediately received complete healing on my body, I gives thank to my Lord Jesus Christ who has heal and forgive me from my sin. Please do pray for me and my family that we will serve God with faithfully in my area. Thanking you.
I am Smt Kalyani Tandi, at Santinagarpara, aged 42. From past some days onwards I was suffering with headache, but while Pastor Oyvind Moller prayed for me, then after I just felt in my life that is something like ice on head pour down to me, that was the different experience I had, before I was never had like this experience in my life, I thought if I go to doctor then lot of money will be expend, this was my thinking. But I thank God after prayed of Pastor Oyvind Moller I got complete healing from my headache. Now I am doing well, I give all honor and glory to my Lord Jesus Christ. And also I thanks to Rev. Oyvind Moller and Rev. Willim Cary,
I am Sunimiya Nayak aged 35 at Badapada, Working as a Evangelist, this tow days pastor’s Seminar is totally change my view of thinking, I blessed by this teaching, and now I understand about the Grace & Fouver of Jesus Christ. Before I was not Clare but by this teaching now I came to know that, what is the plan of salvation to me and to human being . I thank for the Teaching and in the coming days I belief that will be help me to grow the church. At the same time I was suffering from my back pain from last some month onward it has very terrible pain to me, because of this pain many time Iam not able to work properly, if I done any hard work by mystic then that will be make me one or two week bad rest, likewise my days were going through out. But I thank God for the healing I had by the pray of Rev Oyvind Moller, now also I am doing well, here I give all glory to the Almighty Lord Jesus Christ & also the servant of God Rev. Oyvind Moller & Rev. William Cary.
Praise the Lord for the loving kindness & goodness of work He shown upon my life, I am working at Collectors Office as a junior officer whatever be I received as a salary that will be more then end up for my family, but instate of this there is no peace in my life, for this reason I went temple after temple, worship many goddesses, did whatever want, after all this I saw there is nothing any power or nothing any true, I thought instate of searching peace and true I condemning my life, even I did so many spiritual things like serving food and cloth to Brahmins Hindu Priest. I spend lot of money but I never got any solution by this (puja ) worship. Finally I stop doing all this things, after some years I got suffering from many disease like diabetic, blood pressure and heart problem , then I stated to go doctor after doctor to control all my problem, but I saw the medicine that also not work proper way, this pastor’s seminar one week before I meet with pastor K.K.Pani at that time he share me something about Jesus love & power, after that he invited me the seminar but some of the reason I was not attended in the first day, but what so ever it’s may be, finally I came to understand that there is a God in this universe who can control every things and that God is non of other but JESUS. And I came to received Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior at that stage, and at same time while Rev. Oyvind Moller prayed for me I fill something different in my body. From that day onwards I am doing well. Please do prayer for me so that I will know more about Jesus Christ, thanking you.
From past two year onwards the devil spirit has working in my body, I was try to control and keep normal to my body. But I was not yet, when the music sound will come to my ears then I was used to dance, regularly its has happened to me, when I got normal for some time, at that time I understand everybody they tension for me, then I began to asked my husband, what happen to me and why you all worried for me, then my husband , children & others they began to say me, what I did and how I acts to others at that time I felt very sad myself. My husband take me doctor after doctor for treatment and also he toke me into magician also, my parent became very tension for me, because day by day my behave became not good, everyday somebody will be with me just to look over me, that’s make extra burden to my family, but I thank God while I came to attend the Pastors Seminar in the last day of Evening, the power of Holy Spirit made me good, there something happen to me I got complete healing. Today Iam happy with my family, while I came to know through my daughter all this excitant I get ashamed in my life. Therefore now I want to give my heart to Jesus Christ, and I committed my life into Him, I will serve him enter my life. Thanking you.
I am Sudam Deep, at Gokhara, praise the Lord for this today Pastor seminar, while I got the invitation I had excited and at the same time, this tow days how the time has pass I don’t know, Iam very much appreciate to the servant of God Rev. Oyvind Moller & Rev. Willian Cary for their teaching and preaching that make me excellent pastor to my believers and to my family. I am give a lot of thank to you, and in the coming days if you will give us the continually teaching, then we will be understand the clear picture of God plan and purpose and also that ever He done by His son Jesus Christ for the human being life. Thanking you.
Praise the Lord, I am Pastor Pratap Das, from Nuapara, at first I give thanks to my almighty God who has given me this opportunity to participate this Pastors Seminar, it has wonderful teaching to me, I was never thought that there is will be like this teaching in the Bible, I always thought that the commandment of law & Grace will be go in the one track, but by this teaching I came to know that I am rung, it not go in the same way, then I understand this, God paid the penalty of every human beings sin by the death of His son Jesus Christ on the cross, there is no condemnation to us, now I understand this also, by believing him we counted justification and righteousness it is not of ours did or work but by his grace and mercy. Thank you Pastor Oyvind Moller & Pastor Willian Cary. For this teaching & preaching, you brought in our mist and share the great things to us. My the Lord Jesus Christ Bless you and your ministries, and we will hope in the coming days if you will came and teach us then we will learn more and more things. Thanking you.
I am Pastor Dilip Mondal from Narla, I thank you very much for this kind of pastor seminar, I am blessing by this teaching. Before I also use to thinking, how it will possible if God gave grace by his son Jesus Christ, then can be continue work by Law of Moses. Now I understand that we pastor and evangelist making burden after burden for ourselves and also believers, many time we not giving grace to work in our mist, now I came to know this, it is a great opportunity to us, to release grace in our church and community to work at the same time we have to bind the did and work. Once again I thank you Pastor Oyvind & Pastor William Cary, for this high level of teaching, and as well as the vision and burden to this state of Odisha, May the Lord bless you and your Ministry as well as to your family. Thanking you.
This is some of the testimony people have written after our visit to different places.
Pastor P. Prashanth Kumar,
“I graduated from Harvest Bible College in 1994. All through my ministry I have believed and preached the law. But now after so many years of ministry, I came to know the Grace of God. This changed my whole life and ministry. In November 2013, God led me to Rev. William Carey and in April 2014, I attended the training program. I have seen God work amazingly in my ministry. I believe that as a Pastor, I should change first and then my church will change. Although I heard a few people tell me that the message of Grace was rejected when they shared it, I never faced that situation in my ministry. People have readily embraced it in my church. I did not have any desertions in my church. I believe that when we preach the Grace message with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, there will be no rejections.”
Priti Jain, Businesswoman
“I come from a non-Christian background. On 8th July 2010, I was saved and accepted Jesus into my life. However I went to a church that preached the law very strongly. But after some time I found that my spirit was getting drained out. I needed something more and I did not know what it was. In Feb 2013, I was introduced to the message of Grace of God. I believed that I finally found what my spirit was craving for all this while. I attended this training program in July 2014 and almost immediately God opened the door for my daughter to attend church, restored my family relationships. From this training I received such revelation, wisdom and peace in my life. Now my I know God as my father. When my daughter had severe fever recently and she was hallucinating. Her body was burning hot and she was crying out and talking in her sleep. I did not panic, instead I just laid my hands on her and prayed for her healing. Instantly she was healed! Now I know how to activate the blessing from God into my life.”
Pastor Paul Rajesh, Father’s House Church for all Nations
“I graduated from School of the Holy Spirit in 1998. Since then I was full time ministry and all the while my ministry went through many ups and downs. In between there was even a break in my ministry work as I could not carry on. Later on in 2011, I relaunched my ministry. Shortly thereafter I heard about this training program and attended it in 2011. During the training, I learnt that I was forgiven, accepted and understood the Father’s Love towards me. Only Christ was highlighted to me. There was a lot of change in my personal, family and ministry life. I believe that it was not me who changed but it was He who changed me. People around me thought that I had lost my mind. My preaching had also changed. Few of my church members even went to the extent of sharing with other members that the Pastor is out of his mind and to only accept what is comfortable from his preaching. Now, my church members jokingly say that ‘A butcher has turned into a Shepherd!’ There is joy in my church. There are no issues and my church members don’t call me for prayer!”
Pastor Johnson, Muscat, OMAN
“Having spent many years in the ministry believing that my God was a harsh God, even my behavior was the same toward everyone around me. But when Rev.William Carey came to Dubai, although at first I was skeptical wondering how it would be, I was blessed abundantly through the training program. When Ovyind Moller preached on Righteousness, some in me changed instantly, forever. Now my preaching has changed, also my behavior. Someday I want to invite Ovyind Moller to Oman. Please pray for me.”
Pastor Harry Tona, Alwal, Hyderabad
“Coming from a Catholic background and thereafter having a good foundation through the teaching of Faith and having served in an independent Pentecostal word-based church for the last 17 years, 5 years as a believer and 12 years as a dedicated pastor, life changed when God led me to these teachings. Ever since I was exposed to the teachings of God’s grace, what I had known and understood in my faith, which was based on my works and not on the finished works of Christ. After going through this training program in Jan’2014 at Aenon Church, I received good understanding about Law and Grace, my relationship with God, my purpose of bible reading, my preaching, teaching, my fear of eternity and end times have all changed. Now my entire focus has shifted to share this good news and glorify Him in church and all around me. Jesus said ‘without me you can’t do anything’ its so true. Im so glad to have been blessed so much through my association with Rev.William Carey who has a great passion in teaching and training pastors. I thank God for the privledge to help him in pursuing the Vision God has given him not only in Hyderabad but also in Bangalore, Araku & Vizag. Now I am firm in extending my support to take this Vision to all of India and every place in the world that God opens the door to. Now there is great desire and fulfillment in teaching this to all the pastors and change the history of churches and preparing them for the coming of the Lord.”
“Over the last 6 days of this training program I have been blessed abundantly. I learnt many new things that I had never heard before.” –
Pastor Petteli Joshua
“I have received such a revelation as never before. My understanding about God has been taken to a whole new level and I now have a much deeper insight about the Grace of God.” – Pastor G. David
“This training program has certainly strengthened me as a believer. I am very excited about the where I can go from here with the excellent teaching I have received.”
Pastor Korra Jairam
“In all my years as a Pastor, I had only learnt about Christianity the religion as taught in theology and I in turn taught the same all through in my church. But now I have learnt about Jesus Christ and I have been truly blessed.” –
Pastor K. Kamaraj
“I have finally learnt the truth about the Grace of God and hereafter I will only preach and teach about the truth of Jesus Christ.”
Pastor John Vincent
“After attending this training camp, I realized how wrong we were in preaching and teaching things that should not be preached. But now with the truth about the Grace of God embedded in my heart, I will share this Gospel in my ministry from here on.”
Pastor Padi Ramu
“In the past I was always gripped by sin. But here I have been blessed with some amazing teaching about the true nature of God and His amazing Grace! Now I am filled with His love and have been set free from my past fears and burdens.”
Pastor Vanthal Gopal Rao
“The truth behind the Law of God and the Grace of God was so excellently presented to me that I am now seeing my life in a very different way and I am learning new things from the same scriptures everyday.”
Pastor Sunil Paul
“I have realized that all my life I have been living the life of a slave instead of living the life of a free spirited Christian like it should be. Now this camp has opened my eyes to the truth about the Grace of God and I am indeed set free.”
Pastor G. Mohan Rao
“Earlier I only heard stories from the Bible and my entire understanding of God and his creation and purpose came from there. I never really understood anything beyond that and neither did it matter to me as I never questioned what I was taught but only followed what my elders did. But now I have met Jesus Christ as a person and my life will never be the same.”
Pastor V. James
“What I learnt here, I never heard before! The revelation about the ‘Moses Seat’ & the ‘Mercy Seat’ was a big blessing in my life which will never leave me.”
Pastor Jeevan Kumar
“Having been blessed with such an amazing truth about the Grace of God, I realize my responsibility as a Pastor how important it is to preach the Grace of God and not the Law if we truly want to spread the love of God to the world around us.” –
Pastor G. Prasad Rao
“This was a super seminar! I received amazing revelation about the abundant Grace of God.”
From William
From Romania Mission trip Mai 2014
From pastor Nixon Augustin Codreanu, Bukaresti
First of all we give Praise to the Lord for sending our Beloved Brother, Oyvind here in Romania,
Pastor Oyvind preached in seven diferent locations.
Christian Penticostal Church '' The Gospel'' from Bucharest.
God Healed many people from pain in the legs, back pain, stomac problems, liver problems and many other health problems.
Also many people accepted Christ.
House fellowship in Valea Seaca-Bacau.
People with short leg was healed and put to normal, back pain was healed and a young man who
fell off the roof of a house three months ago his leg was swollen pastor Oyvind pray for him and God touch Him.
3-House Church in Vulturu-Vrancea.
People recived Baptism with the Hilly Spirit and God touch their life.
Curch in Mizil-Prahova.
We were invited to a wedding service, Pastor Oyvind preach and pray for the young cuple to be blessed by God.
the grandfather of the groom died one day before wedding and the pastor of the local church ask Pastor Oyvind to stay and to preach to the funeral service next day morning.
Funeral in Mizil-Prahova. Romanian tradion is that when someone dies they keep the body inside the house two or three days.
as i said local Pastor ask Pastor Oyvind to preach the Gospel and Pray for the people. There was over 300 people and more then 50 accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior.
Christian Penticostal Church in Cornetu-Vrancea.
This is a Church with over 600 members.
Pastor Oyvind preached the Gospel and Pray for sick people and God made many Wonders, one lady she could not see with one eye and God open her eye instant, another lady could not lift her arm and God healed her, another young lady she was born with malformation foot, the foot was smaller then the other, God touch her and she start to walk normal. And also people give their life to Jesus.
Christian Penticostal Church in Bobesti-Bucuresti.
Pastor Oyvind Preach and Pray for people and people were healed from leg problems, one lady could not lift her arm and instantly God healed her, another lady had back problems she coult not bend and God touch her also...and also 5 people give their life to Jesus.
We Praise the name of the Lord for sending Pastor Oyvind here in Romania, it was a great blessing for the ministry hereand a great Revival. we look forward to see him agin.
Testimonies of Vishakapatnam, India Feb.2014
I attempted suicide many times due to the debts of Indian Rupee of 60 lakh. After the
Grace festivals in Vizag God cleared my debt completely.
Thank you Lord.
Jeremiah (40,employee) My right hand not working properly. I got healed completely in this
meetings. Now I’m praising God with my hand.
Lakshmi (30,housewife) Suffering from hypo thyroid and multi health disorder. God healed me in
these meetings completely.
Bangaru Raju (35,employee) I’m an alcoholic, used to drink heavily; God changed my Mind in this
Meetings, I quit drinking now.
Sowmya, student. I was suffered from Taunsils and troath infection. God healed me completely.
Rani.G (40,housewife) I got healed from 5years of back pain and knee joint pains, Glory to god.
Leelevathi.Y (45,housewife) Severe heart pain was healed in these meetings.
Anasuya(50,employee) God healed me from high bp and sugar.I quit medicines now.
Simhachalam(60) My deafness of 10 years healed by God in this meeting.
Vijaya(50) My 2 years of paralysis was healed on 2nd day of these meetings.
Apparao.S(35) Healed from stomach pain and acidity.
Gracy.G(40) 5 years of severe migraines pain is gone.
Varshitha.Y(6) Doctors said my blood was infected. In these meetings infection was healed completely.
Prashanth.B(27) My mental condition is not good, no peace of mind. God healed me and Changed my mind. Now I’m enjoying grace of God.
Leena(35) 10 years of headache was healed without medicines, only by God.
John.T(45) Muscle and joint weakness healed in this meeting.
I am Pastor Daud Bag at Junagarh, age 49, working as a pastor with ICRM Organization, from last 8 years onwards I had the pain at my knee, heel, and back pain I was struggling every day. even thou I am a servant of God I defend into medicine, and I use to take painkiller medicine & cream to apply on my knee, heel & back pain these all this things has not given me cure likewise day after day I was struggling in my life. Today I give thank to my Lord Jesus Christ who has seen my pain and struggle. While I came to this pastor seminar I never expected to receive the healing in my life, but I praise God that just after hearing the word of God by Rev Oyvind Moller. And after the word of God force me to confess all past sin which I have been done in my life. You know, when I confess all my sin before the present of God. I filled with Holy Spirit and speaking some things different language in my life as before I was not. Then I through some things is happened to my life, and I completely submitted upon God, and prayed to God with my hole hearted at the same time the servant of God touch on my head and pray for me then I fill that some things is come out from in my lags there I immediately received complete healing on my body, I gives thank to my Lord Jesus Christ who has heal and forgive me from my sin. Please do pray for me and my family that we will serve God with faithfully in my area. Thanking you.
I am Smt Kalyani Tandi, at Santinagarpara, aged 42. From past some days onwards I was suffering with headache, but while Pastor Oyvind Moller prayed for me, then after I just felt in my life that is something like ice on head pour down to me, that was the different experience I had, before I was never had like this experience in my life, I thought if I go to doctor then lot of money will be expend, this was my thinking. But I thank God after prayed of Pastor Oyvind Moller I got complete healing from my headache. Now I am doing well, I give all honor and glory to my Lord Jesus Christ. And also I thanks to Rev. Oyvind Moller and Rev. Willim Cary,
I am Sunimiya Nayak aged 35 at Badapada, Working as a Evangelist, this tow days pastor’s Seminar is totally change my view of thinking, I blessed by this teaching, and now I understand about the Grace & Fouver of Jesus Christ. Before I was not Clare but by this teaching now I came to know that, what is the plan of salvation to me and to human being . I thank for the Teaching and in the coming days I belief that will be help me to grow the church. At the same time I was suffering from my back pain from last some month onward it has very terrible pain to me, because of this pain many time Iam not able to work properly, if I done any hard work by mystic then that will be make me one or two week bad rest, likewise my days were going through out. But I thank God for the healing I had by the pray of Rev Oyvind Moller, now also I am doing well, here I give all glory to the Almighty Lord Jesus Christ & also the servant of God Rev. Oyvind Moller & Rev. William Cary.
Praise the Lord for the loving kindness & goodness of work He shown upon my life, I am working at Collectors Office as a junior officer whatever be I received as a salary that will be more then end up for my family, but instate of this there is no peace in my life, for this reason I went temple after temple, worship many goddesses, did whatever want, after all this I saw there is nothing any power or nothing any true, I thought instate of searching peace and true I condemning my life, even I did so many spiritual things like serving food and cloth to Brahmins Hindu Priest. I spend lot of money but I never got any solution by this (puja ) worship. Finally I stop doing all this things, after some years I got suffering from many disease like diabetic, blood pressure and heart problem , then I stated to go doctor after doctor to control all my problem, but I saw the medicine that also not work proper way, this pastor’s seminar one week before I meet with pastor K.K.Pani at that time he share me something about Jesus love & power, after that he invited me the seminar but some of the reason I was not attended in the first day, but what so ever it’s may be, finally I came to understand that there is a God in this universe who can control every things and that God is non of other but JESUS. And I came to received Jesus as my personal Lord and Savior at that stage, and at same time while Rev. Oyvind Moller prayed for me I fill something different in my body. From that day onwards I am doing well. Please do prayer for me so that I will know more about Jesus Christ, thanking you.
From past two year onwards the devil spirit has working in my body, I was try to control and keep normal to my body. But I was not yet, when the music sound will come to my ears then I was used to dance, regularly its has happened to me, when I got normal for some time, at that time I understand everybody they tension for me, then I began to asked my husband, what happen to me and why you all worried for me, then my husband , children & others they began to say me, what I did and how I acts to others at that time I felt very sad myself. My husband take me doctor after doctor for treatment and also he toke me into magician also, my parent became very tension for me, because day by day my behave became not good, everyday somebody will be with me just to look over me, that’s make extra burden to my family, but I thank God while I came to attend the Pastors Seminar in the last day of Evening, the power of Holy Spirit made me good, there something happen to me I got complete healing. Today Iam happy with my family, while I came to know through my daughter all this excitant I get ashamed in my life. Therefore now I want to give my heart to Jesus Christ, and I committed my life into Him, I will serve him enter my life. Thanking you.
I am Sudam Deep, at Gokhara, praise the Lord for this today Pastor seminar, while I got the invitation I had excited and at the same time, this tow days how the time has pass I don’t know, Iam very much appreciate to the servant of God Rev. Oyvind Moller & Rev. Willian Cary for their teaching and preaching that make me excellent pastor to my believers and to my family. I am give a lot of thank to you, and in the coming days if you will give us the continually teaching, then we will be understand the clear picture of God plan and purpose and also that ever He done by His son Jesus Christ for the human being life. Thanking you.
Praise the Lord, I am Pastor Pratap Das, from Nuapara, at first I give thanks to my almighty God who has given me this opportunity to participate this Pastors Seminar, it has wonderful teaching to me, I was never thought that there is will be like this teaching in the Bible, I always thought that the commandment of law & Grace will be go in the one track, but by this teaching I came to know that I am rung, it not go in the same way, then I understand this, God paid the penalty of every human beings sin by the death of His son Jesus Christ on the cross, there is no condemnation to us, now I understand this also, by believing him we counted justification and righteousness it is not of ours did or work but by his grace and mercy. Thank you Pastor Oyvind Moller & Pastor Willian Cary. For this teaching & preaching, you brought in our mist and share the great things to us. My the Lord Jesus Christ Bless you and your ministries, and we will hope in the coming days if you will came and teach us then we will learn more and more things. Thanking you.
I am Pastor Dilip Mondal from Narla, I thank you very much for this kind of pastor seminar, I am blessing by this teaching. Before I also use to thinking, how it will possible if God gave grace by his son Jesus Christ, then can be continue work by Law of Moses. Now I understand that we pastor and evangelist making burden after burden for ourselves and also believers, many time we not giving grace to work in our mist, now I came to know this, it is a great opportunity to us, to release grace in our church and community to work at the same time we have to bind the did and work. Once again I thank you Pastor Oyvind & Pastor William Cary, for this high level of teaching, and as well as the vision and burden to this state of Odisha, May the Lord bless you and your Ministry as well as to your family. Thanking you.