Revival Mission når ut med de gode nyheter. Foruten våre seminarer, kampanjer , Pastor trening/skole og vekkelse møter er vi engasjert i å hjelpe lokale menigheter og ledere. Vi bygger ikke vår egen tjeneste i ulike land men vi hjelper lokale arbeidere til å bli effektive i sitt arbeid gjennom ulike støtte og ulike hjelpe prosjekt. Besides preaching and ministering God’s Word, we are also helping and are involved in various projects to help the people. We believe that we are channel of God’s blessings and as the Lord leads us in different ways to help and be involve in the lives of the local believers. Leader Training school in Nepal: We have start leader training school through internet in Nepal. We bring pastors and leaders for 5 days training. We provide them house room, food and travel expenses. We teach through internet and Pastor Luke and team also teach. It is very intensive where we have class and different programs the whole day with some break of food and rest. We also supporting the local ministry to have one day training for believers each week in the remote aria, how to evangelise and preach the good news. Starting Goat farm in Nepal Together with the church Filadelfia Stadt we have start a Goat farm in Nepal. To help create jobs and income for the ministry there. Pastor Luke have the responsibility over this project. Covid-19 epidemic lockdown aid: Revival Mission helping our mission contact to provide help for the poor. We are now reaching many villages and families with food packages and daily essentials special in Nepal and India. Supporting ministry in Nepal and India to reach out with the good news: Preaching the good news by zoom meeting in India, Nepal and Vietnam: SY-SKOLER I MADRAS, INDIA: Etter Tsunami katastrofen startet vi sy skoler for fattige familjer i Nord Madras. Nå har vi desse sy skolene på 4 plasser. Vi har kjøpt inn maskiner og dekker utgiftene til skolene. Gjennom dette prosjektet kan de lære seg å sy og starte sin egen lille foretnings virkomhet eller få seg ett arbeide. Når studentene er ferdige med utdanningen gir vi diplom for desse.Dette er mulig pågrunn av våre trofaste givere. Vi har gode rapporter om desse sy skolene og det har vert til velsignelse for mange familjer.Mer en 1000 studenter har fått diplom for fullført opplæring. REPORT ON TAILOR SCHOOL RUN IN INDIA BY REVIVAL MISSION. More then 1000 student since 2005 have been trained and get diploma since we start the schools in Chennai, India in 2005. Tailor school in India started in year 2005 and now it is the tenth year of the tailor school running succesfuly with the contribution given by Rev. Oyvind Moller every month. The ladies here in India are greatly supported and helped by Rev.Oyvind moller in supporting the tailor school every month for the past ten years from 2005 till now. The tailor school helps the woman to make their living by stitching blouses skirts pants,shirts and all the dress materials The ladies could work during their leisure time and also spend time with their husband and children. The ladies for stitching ladies dress they don’t go to gents so it is easy for ladies to approach ladies to stitch their dress materials. With the help of REV. Oyvind Moller supporting the tailor school every month. The ladies come and learn and complete a course in nine months. It is a great advantage to earn about two hundred rupees a day and if they work fully they can earn about six thousand rupees a month. So we thank Rev.Oyvind Moller for supporting our tailor school every month. Report from PASTOR ARTHUR DEVADOSS "The House of Trust" Pastor Luke har nå kjøpt dette huset. Vi solgte landet og fikk finansiert dette bygget gjennom ett bank lån og ett privat lån. Det hadde blitt mye dyrere å bygge ett nybygg. Dette bygget er nesten det samme som vi planla å bygge. Huset er nytt og nå har de foreldreløse barna og Pastor Luke ett skikkelig hjem. Dette huset vi også bli brukt som trening senter. Vi hadde møter der nå i oktober. Pastor Luke har allerede startet en Pastor og leder skole en uke hver måned. Senere komme vi å utvide tilbudet for å trene og utruste ledere, predikanter og pastorer for vekkelsen i Nepal. Vi har fortsatt store utfordring for å betale lånet. Om du vil hjelpe send din gave og merk den "Hjelp Nepal" De behøves også senger og skrive bord til pastor skolen. Ta kontakt om du ønsker mer informasjon. "Trust House " in Nepal: Pastor Luke has now bought this house in Nepal for a new home for the children and also for his family. It will also be used as a training center for pastors and leaders to train leaders and equipping then for the revival in Nepal. We had a seminar in the house now in October and for the time being there will be training for one week per month. Still there is many challenges to pay for the loan for the building. If you want to help send your gift and mark it with " HELP NEPAL"
Helper Himalayan Bible Institute Likabali. A.P, Assam, India HJELPER LOKALE PASTORER OG EVANGELISTER: Det finnes mange behov som støtte av pioner pastorer som planter nye menigheter. Det kan være behov for en sykkel, motorsykkel eller en bil til å bli mer effektive i sin tjeneste. Mange evangelister har ikke hatt råd til en sykkel og gjennom våre partnere har vi hjelp desse pastorer og evagelister med å kjøpe en sykkel , motorsykkel eller en bil for å gjøre arbeidet lettere. Noen ganger kan det vere behov for en generator, en datamaskin eller et lydanlegg osv..Vi kan hjelpe desse lokale arbeidere på denne måten for å gjøre livet enklere og tjenesten mer effektiv. Bygging av Landsby kirker i India: We have been involved in building simple church buildings in the villages in the Orissa and Madras areas. Many times through our local evangelists and pastors, groups of people are saved in a village where there is no church, it means so much for the locals to have their own church building to go to for fellowship and to worship God together. Morever, it also encourages our local evangelist and pastor in the field to have a church building for their own people. And this has been made possible through the love gifts of our friends and partners. Revival Mission Training Center i Andra Pradesh, India Det er en kortids trening for pastorer i Andra Pradesh. Skolen drives med støtte fra vår tjeneste Revival Mission Europe. Vårt mål er å hjelpe og inspirere lokale pastorer allerede i tjeneste til å bli befesta i Nådens evangelium. Vi vil ha skolen i ulike distrikter i staten Andra Pradesh, India.